Arthritis Pain Relief
/Visiting a client yesterday, we were discussing strategies she could use for her arthritic hands.
The number one strategy is movement—moving the joints gets the lubricating synovial fluid flowing around the joint, making continued movement possible. Joint movement is the only way to produce synovial fluid, so no other strategy will help with pain if you aren’t moving the joint.
It is harder to move in the morning and in colder weather, so heat will warm up the joints and get them moving. Use either a heated beanbag or a warming cream. Heat stimulates circulation and loosens the fascia around the joints.
Massage is another method to gently loosen fascia, stimulate circulation, and mobilize the joint. If you don’t have access to a massage therapist, self massage works well and can be done everyday, several times a day.
Speak with your doctor before taking anything internally, but there is some evidence to suggest that supplements such as Glucosamine, MSM, or Hyaluronic Acid improve joint health. Herbalists also recommend herbs like turmeric, ashwagandha, and cherry juice. An old-time home remedy is Gin Raisins, but the evidence for its effectiveness is all anecdotal.
Do you have other remedies to suggest? Let me know!